I have Delphi Xe5 and Mida Basic 2.72.
I have some problems, actually the current output of Mida is not usable at all.
Before buying the Pro version I would like to know whether it solves my problems.
1. (Smaller problem) I am trying to convert a quite big project, about 150 dfm files.
The code is split into 12 folders (one folder with 12 subfolders).
So I tried to enter the name of the main folder. But nothing was converted because there is nothing directly in that folder. I cannot see any checkbox saying "recurse all sub-folders". Can Mida Pro or Studio do that?
2. (Big problem) After converting one of the folders I looked at the result of some simple forms containing only standard components.
But even those are not converted well.
Example (just the beginning of the files):
inherited ButtonDialog: TButtonDialog
Left = 664
Top = 247
ClientHeight = 254
ClientWidth = 431
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object gr_shape: TLabel
Left = 8
Top = 128
Width = 34
Height = 13
Caption = '&Shape:'
inherited HelpBtn: TButton
Left = 352
Top = 224
object OKBtn: TButton [2]
Left = 352
Top = 8
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
Converted FMX:
inherited ButtonDialog: TButtonDialog
Left = 664
Top = 247
ClientHeight = 254
ClientWidth = 431
object gr_shape: TLabel
Left = 8
Top = 128
Width = 34
Height = 13
Caption = '&Shape:'
WordWrap = False
AutoSize = True
inherited HelpBtn: TButton
Position.Point = '(352,224)'
object OKBtn: TButton [2]
Left = 352
Top = 8
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
You can see that gr_shape was not converted at all even if it is a TLabel (a very standard component), it has still Left and Top instead of Position, and it has Caption instead of Text.
HelpBtn (a TButton) seems to be converted.
But OKBtn (also a TButton) is not converted again.
It seems to me that the problem is with the numbers in square brackets (which indicate tab order, I think). It seems that Mida is confused by them.
Can the Pro version handle the above file?