General Discussion / Re: Custom Component
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:22:21 am »
Related issue:
I have a custom VCL Tbutton descendant named TCustomButton and I added a procedure FlashColor(inColor:TColor)
In FireMonkey XE4 I created an FMX Tbutton descendant named TFMXCustomButton and I added a procedure FlashColor(inColor:TColor)
While I understand that I can define the relationship between the TCustomButton and TFMXCustomButton it then appears that I have to define a relationship between EVERY property including those inherited from TButton. In other words, I have to define TCustomButton.Caption = TFMXCustomButton.Text etc.
What i really need is to define the ancestor type so that it can pick up everything that it inherited from the ancestor so I don't have to define every single property. As I have defined a huge number of custom control descendants this is a major issue for me... any help or workaround would be greatly appreciated!
I have a custom VCL Tbutton descendant named TCustomButton and I added a procedure FlashColor(inColor:TColor)
In FireMonkey XE4 I created an FMX Tbutton descendant named TFMXCustomButton and I added a procedure FlashColor(inColor:TColor)
While I understand that I can define the relationship between the TCustomButton and TFMXCustomButton it then appears that I have to define a relationship between EVERY property including those inherited from TButton. In other words, I have to define TCustomButton.Caption = TFMXCustomButton.Text etc.
What i really need is to define the ancestor type so that it can pick up everything that it inherited from the ancestor so I don't have to define every single property. As I have defined a huge number of custom control descendants this is a major issue for me... any help or workaround would be greatly appreciated!