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8 July 2012 - New server and new Forum !

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General Discussion / Adding the "OS X" platform and unexpected results
« on: December 12, 2012, 01:30:34 pm »

I have an originally VCL project in XE3 (V17.0.4625.53395) and converted it with MIDA (V2.6) to FM2. All runs fine under Win7 (32).
Adding the OS X platform results in an error message:

Adding the "OS X" platform to this project may have unexpected results.
The project is of the type "Application" which is not supported by OS X.
Would you like to add this project anyway ?

Adding anyway results in [dccosx Fatal error] ..... :F2048 Bad unit format: 'FrmMain.dcu' - Expected version: 24.0, MacOS(x86) Found version: 24.0,Windows Unicode(x86)

Any ideas?

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